Browse Licencees
Displaying 101 to 200 out of 282 Doctor of Osteopathy licensees with last names starting with the letter D .
Note that this list includes both active and inactive licensees.
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DeLaughter, HaroldDellinger, Scott
Delman, Eric
DeLoache, Christopher
DeLong, Christopher
Delorenzo, Chandra
Delougherty, Patrick
Demand, Alexander
DeMattia, Laure
Demere, Codi
Demidova, Olga
DeMier, Sergio
Demopoulos, George
Den Haese, Jason
DeNardi, Lisa
Denley, Brent
Dennis, Gregory
Dennis, Isaac
Dennis, John
Dennis, Lydia
Dennis, Rebecca
Dennis, Stephen
Dennison, Mikayla
Denny, G.
Denton, Tom
Denton III, Allen
Deol, Rory-Sean
DePagter, Lenore
DePani-Sparkes, Elisa
DePriest, David
DePriest, Kirk
Depue, Amy
Derby, Dale
Derby, Micah
DeRocher, Erick
Derrick, Kelly
Desai, Ajay
Desai, Neha
Desai, Viraj
DeSantis, John
DeShazo, Gary
Deskin, Justin
DeSonia, Andrew
Destito, John
Detrich, Jane
Detten, Grant
Detweiler, Byron
Detwiler, Alex
Deupree, Paula
Dev, Rony
Deval, Nikita
Devlin, Mitchell
Dew, Fon-Sawitree
Dewey, Thomas
DeWitt, Grant
DeWitt, John
Dhesi, Sukhdeep
Di Santo, Vinson
Diamond, David
Diamond, Ilysa
Dichter, Paul
Dick, Megan
Dick, Natalie
Dickerson, Tina
Dickey, Alexia
Dickey, Tisha
Dickman, Gerald
Diener, Brian
DiEnna, Christine
Dietrich, Shenen
Dietzgen, Patricia
Dignan, George
Dill, Leah
Dillard, Carolyn
Dillard, Taylor
Dillon, William
Dillow, David
Dionne, Julie
DiPesa, Christopher
DiSalvatore, Gregory
DiStefano, James
DiStefano, Judy Anne
DiStefano, Ronald
Dittus, Daniel
DiVito, Jason
Dix, Nicole
Dixon, Christel
Dixon, Danielle
Dixon, Jordan
Dixon, Stephen
Do, Brian
Doan, Cuong
Dobbins, Lorri
Dockery, Amrit
Dockery, Barrington
Dockery, Crystal
Dodd, Andrew
Dodge, Cameron
Dodson, Lindsey
Dodson II, Charles
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