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Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision

Browse Licencees

Displaying 1 to 100 out of 310 Doctor of Osteopathy licensees with last names starting with the letter L .

Note that this list includes both active and inactive licensees.

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La Tour, Tamara
Laborde, Alfred
Labruzzo, Salvatore
LaButti, Ronald
Lacefield, Cary
Lacefield, Leonard
LaCroix, Amanda
Lacy, Elizabeth
Lad, Madhuri
LaFollette, Martin
Lafon, Peter
Lagasse, Randall
Lahr, Stevan
Lahr, Tammi
Lairamore, Leigh-Beth
Lairamore, Nathan
Laird, Gordon
Lairet, Julio
Laizure, Kristin
Lake Jr, Jack
Lakin, Terrence
Lakin-Southern, Kayla
Lala, Faisal
Lam, Anh
Lamb, Kerby
Lamberson, Jack
Lambert, Gary
Lambert, Nicholas
Lambert, Raeanne
Lambie, Natalie
Lamer, Steven
Lamkin, Brian
Lamoureaux, Donald
Lancaster, Kurt
Land, Sarah
Landeen, Matthew
Landers, Elizabeth
Landers, Madison
Landers, Michael
Landrum, Joe Tre'
Lane, Aaron
Lane, Brandon
Lane, Christopher
Lane, Gerald
Lane, Janan
Lane, Kevin
Lane, Larry
Lang, Christina
Lang, Gary
Langer, Michael
Langerman, Bret
Langerman, Richard
Langerman, Richard
Langford, Tracy
Langkamp, Karl
Langley, Dan
Langley, Jean-Maria
Langner, Christine
Langston, Catherine
Lanning, Jason
Lantrip, Linda
Lantz, Melissa
Largent, Janell
Larkins, Debra
Larsen, Adam
Larsen, Emilie
Larsen, Jordan
Larsen, Sean
LaRue, David
Lash, Donald
Latham, Whitney
Latus, Thomas
Lau, David
Lauer, Scott
Laughlin, David
Laughlin, Sidney
Lavendusky Jr, William
Lavin, Jesse
Lavis, James
Law, Timothy
Lawler, Christopher
Lawrence, Maybree
Lawrence, Michael
Lawson, Robert
Lawson, Robert
Layne, Keith
Le, James
Le, James
Le, Thai
Le, Tinh
Leach, Jordan
Leachman, Ryan
Leader, Beth
Leadford, Jacinda
Leahey, Thomas
Leal, Christie
LeBoeuf, Joshua
Leckey, Bruce
Leckie, Ronald
Ledbetter, Bryan

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